Vlada Teper

International Day of Peace 2021

Peace Club Youth Leaders celebrated with presentations to different classes and grade levels about United Nations’ International Day of Peace, its history and importance. Then, they organized two workshops (the last two Wednesdays of the month) and invited anyone from 9-12th grade to come and learn to make peace cranes as inspired by Sadako Sasaki, […]

International Day of Peace 2020

Not letting the pandemic hold them back, Peace Club leaders went above and beyond to build a website to celebrate UN’s International Day of Peace. Adult ally Mr. Peter supported Jenny and Kelly – Peace Club leaders who built the website. Then, all the students from 9-12th grade were invited to contribute art, writing, songs […]

Camping Retreat A Success! Check Out Our Photos!

Dear friends, Thank you so much for helping make our Peace Club Camping Retreat powerful and transformational! The retreat took place October 7th -9th at the Redwood Regional Park, in Oakland. The youth led workshops and practiced Non-Violent Communication to solve real problems; led both light and challenging conversations about identity and trauma, explored oppression […]