YFYI awards a grant to IMU!


Peace Club Oscars, an IMU – supported program, is the recipient of the Youth Funding Youth Ideas’ grant in the amount of $5,000!

The new 2014 – 2015 year begins with new Peace Programs! Thanks to the funding, IMU Peace Club youth leaders will implement a Peace Ambassadors program at San Francisco International High School. The grant will cover the training of Peace Ambassadors in every classroom as well as field trips and a retreat. It will also cover work stipends for the youth leadership team and adult advisors and a culminating Peace Oscars event to recognize peace makers throughout the whole school, grades 9-12.

Youth Funding Youth Ideas (YFYI) is a youth-led program of Communities in Harmony Advocating for Learning and Kids (CHALK).YFYI funds youth-led projects in San Francisco that focus on community improvement, development and change, all from a youth’s perspective. They make grants of up to $10,000 to encourage young leadership and civic engagement. Their funds have been used as seed money for youth-led entrepreneurships and to maintain well established programs with young people in charge.